Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 315
EU - Europa 292
AS - Asia 46
AF - Africa 20
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 684
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 314
GB - Regno Unito 112
IT - Italia 63
UA - Ucraina 36
DE - Germania 22
SG - Singapore 16
DZ - Algeria 13
CN - Cina 12
VN - Vietnam 12
FR - Francia 10
SE - Svezia 10
GR - Grecia 9
PL - Polonia 8
AU - Australia 7
FI - Finlandia 6
IE - Irlanda 6
EG - Egitto 4
EU - Europa 4
CH - Svizzera 3
NL - Olanda 3
EE - Estonia 2
IN - India 2
NO - Norvegia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
CA - Canada 1
ET - Etiopia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
Totale 684
Città #
Southend 92
Ann Arbor 50
Woodbridge 38
Chandler 29
Houston 24
Jacksonville 18
San Mateo 18
Rome 13
Pisa 12
Fairfield 11
Singapore 11
Cambridge 9
Redwood City 8
Beijing 7
Boardman 7
Chania 7
Dearborn 7
Dong Ket 6
Dublin 6
Lawrence 6
Milan 6
Portsmouth 6
Stevenage 6
Warsaw 6
Algiers 5
Old Bridge 5
Berlin 4
Falls Church 4
Tucson 4
Wilmington 4
Balgownie 3
Brooklyn 3
Chicago 3
El Paso 3
Fremont 3
Santa Clara 3
Savignano sul Rubicone 3
Seaside 3
Seattle 3
Turin 3
Ashburn 2
Bydgoszcz 2
Cairo 2
Genoa 2
Helsinki 2
Istrana 2
Kairouan 2
Montesilvano Marina 2
Oslo 2
Pontelandolfo 2
Salt Lake City 2
San Antonio 2
Shanghai 2
Tartu 2
Zefta 2
Addis Ababa 1
Amsterdam 1
Arlington 1
Bermondsey 1
Campolattaro 1
Castegnato 1
Dongguan 1
Grottaglie 1
Lachine 1
Lubbock 1
Macerata 1
Manchester 1
Marseille 1
Myrnohrad 1
Nanjing 1
Pune 1
Ramallah 1
San Diego 1
Stanford 1
Syracuse 1
Totale 509
Nome #
Illicit firearms circulation and the politics of upheaval in North Africa 133
Unpacking the Schengen visa regime. Bureaucrats and discretion in consulates 127
The Schengen regime and the "visa filtering" of people on the move 123
Between organised crime and terrorism: illicit firearms actors and market dynamics in Italy 119
Responses to demand in the context of trafficking of human beings: regulatory measures from twelve national contexts [the case of Italy] 110
A Visa for Schengen's Europe. Consular Practices and regular migration from Senegal to Italy 89
Totale 701
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.087
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 3.087

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202049 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 7 16 3 0 8
2020/2021123 7 11 6 10 11 22 13 7 9 3 13 11
2021/202295 4 25 0 12 1 7 9 15 7 7 2 6
2022/202377 8 2 3 8 9 12 2 4 7 1 15 6
2023/202470 7 13 9 2 3 7 12 2 2 3 1 9
2024/202530 4 3 16 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 701