Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.762
EU - Europa 3.391
AS - Asia 1.126
SA - Sud America 31
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
AF - Africa 7
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 9.329
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.684
IT - Italia 1.184
GB - Regno Unito 633
CN - Cina 431
SG - Singapore 406
DE - Germania 375
UA - Ucraina 294
IE - Irlanda 182
SE - Svezia 135
VN - Vietnam 132
RU - Federazione Russa 99
FR - Francia 96
FI - Finlandia 88
DK - Danimarca 79
CA - Canada 56
PT - Portogallo 49
ES - Italia 44
IN - India 44
NL - Olanda 43
AT - Austria 30
HK - Hong Kong 30
BR - Brasile 28
PK - Pakistan 22
MX - Messico 20
CH - Svizzera 17
JP - Giappone 17
IR - Iran 11
BE - Belgio 10
EU - Europa 9
KR - Corea 9
LT - Lituania 9
GR - Grecia 8
TR - Turchia 6
TW - Taiwan 5
ET - Etiopia 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
AR - Argentina 3
AU - Australia 3
IL - Israele 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
PL - Polonia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KW - Kuwait 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
ZM - Zambia 1
Totale 9.329
Città #
Chandler 616
Ashburn 481
Southend 376
Ann Arbor 310
Woodbridge 294
Singapore 290
Houston 256
Fairfield 253
Pisa 237
San Mateo 198
Dublin 179
Jacksonville 163
Dearborn 153
Seattle 146
Cambridge 145
Beijing 135
Boardman 123
Wilmington 116
Falls Church 104
Milan 104
Assago 90
Stevenage 88
Fremont 86
Dongguan 74
Lawrence 74
Rome 74
Dong Ket 73
Santa Clara 71
Brooklyn 69
Portsmouth 69
Helsinki 61
Buti 50
Washington 42
Las Vegas 40
Florence 37
Redwood City 37
Frankfurt am Main 35
Munich 34
London 32
San Diego 27
Toronto 23
Ottawa 21
Shanghai 21
Old Bridge 20
Lund 17
Varenna 17
Vienna 17
Livorno 16
Genoa 15
Nanjing 15
Barcelona 14
New York 14
Guangzhou 13
Hanover 13
Los Angeles 13
Nuremberg 13
Redmond 13
Serra 13
Turin 13
Changsha 12
Madrid 12
Norwalk 11
Palermo 11
Lucca 10
Palo Alto 10
Philadelphia 10
Naples 9
Padova 9
Zapopan 9
Amsterdam 8
Duncan 8
Eindhoven 8
Modena 8
Pontedera 8
San Giorgio delle Pertiche 8
Shenyang 8
Shenzhen 8
Macerata 7
San Giuliano Terme 7
Viareggio 7
Bangalore 6
Brussels 6
Central 6
Como 6
Gunzenhausen 6
Hangzhou 6
Harbin 6
Islamabad 6
Massarosa 6
New Bedfont 6
Osaka 6
San Jose 6
Trieste 6
Zurich 6
Birmingham 5
Bochum 5
Hefei 5
Hyderabad 5
Isorella 5
Lausanne 5
Totale 6.445
Nome #
Schedulability Analysis of Hierarchical Real-Time Systems under Shared Resources 443
ARTE: Arduino real-time extension for programming multitasking applications 237
A Safe, Secure, and Predictable Software Architecture for Deep Learning in Safety-Critical Systems 169
Real-Time Analysis and Design of a Dual Protocol Support for Bluetooth LE Devices 167
A Framework for Supporting Real-Time Applications on Dynamic Reconfigurable FPGAs 164
Constant bandwidth servers with constrained deadlines 163
Maximizing the Security Level of Real-Time Software While Preserving Temporal Constraints 156
Exact Interference of Adaptive Variable-Rate Tasks under Fixed-Priority Scheduling 152
Response time analysis for G-EDF and G-DM scheduling of sporadic DAG-tasks with arbitrary deadline 150
Is your bus arbiter really fair? Restoring fairness in axi interconnects for FPGA SOCs 149
OSEK-Like Kernel Support for Engine Control Applications under EDF Scheduling 148
Lightweight Real-Time Synchronization under P-EDF on Symmetric and Asymmetric Multiprocessors 145
Dual-protocol support for Bluetooth LE devices 145
Moving from Single-Core to Multicore: Initial Findings on a Fuel Injection Case Study 144
Engine Control: Task Modeling and Analysis 143
Feasibility Analysis of Engine Control Tasks under EDF Scheduling 141
Response-Time Analysis of Engine Control Applications under Fixed-Priority Scheduling 134
Response-Time analysis for real-Time tasks in engine control applications 132
A Blocking Bound for Nested FIFO Spin Locks 132
A Linux-based support for developing real-time applications on heterogeneous platforms with dynamic FPGA reconfiguration 130
Semi-Partitioned Scheduling of Dynamic Real-Time Workload: A Practical Approach Based on Analysis-Driven Load Balancing 128
Handling Transients of Dynamic Real-Time Workload Under EDF Scheduling 127
Analyzing parallel real-time tasks implemented with thread pools 127
Spatio-Temporal Optimization of Deep Neural Networks for Reconfigurable FPGA SoCs 127
Memory Feasibility Analysis of Parallel Tasks Running on Scratchpad-Based Architectures 126
Performance-driven Design of Engine Control Tasks 122
Hierarchical scheduling of real-time tasks over Linux-based virtual machines 121
Increasing the Confidence of Deep Neural Networks by Coverage Analysis 119
Partitioned Fixed-Priority Scheduling of Parallel Tasks Without Preemptions 118
Hard Constant Bandwidth Server: Comprehensive formulation and critical scenarios 117
Resource reservation for real-time self-suspending tasks: Theory and Practice 117
Reconciling security with virtualization: A dual-hypervisor design for ARM TrustZone 116
Supporting Component-Based Development in Partitioned Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems 115
Real-time analysis of engine control applications with speed estimation 108
Optimal Design for Reservation Servers under Shared Resources 107
Selecting the Transition Speeds of Engine Control Tasks to Optimize the Performance 105
Automating the design flow under dynamic partial reconfiguration for hardware-software co-design in FPGA SoC 103
A design flow for supporting component-based software development in multiprocessor real-time systems 102
Simple and General Methods for Fixed-Priority Schedulability in Optimization Problems 102
An I/O Virtualization Framework with I/O-Related Memory Contention Control for Real-Time Systems 101
Modeling and Analysis of Engine Control Tasks Under Dynamic Priority Scheduling 101
On the ineffectiveness of 1/m-based interference bounds in the analysis of global EDF and FIFO scheduling 100
Safely Preventing Unbounded Delays During Bus Transactions in FPGA-based SoC 100
Predictable Memory-CPU Co-Scheduling with Support for Latency-Sensitive Tasks 99
Optimized partitioning and priority assignment of real-time applications on heterogeneous platforms with hardware acceleration 94
The SRP Resource Sharing Protocol for Self-Suspending Tasks 92
Evaluating the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving against Real-World Adversarial Patch Attacks 92
Profiling and controlling I/O‐related memory contention in COTS heterogeneous platforms 92
Supporting temporal and spatial isolation in a hypervisor for ARM multicore platforms 91
Achieving Predictable Multicore Execution of Automotive Applications Using the LET Paradigm 90
Timing-Aware FPGA partitioning for real-Time applications under dynamic partial reconfiguration 90
Timing isolation and improved scheduling of deep neural networks for real-time systems 90
Beyond the weakly hard model: Measuring the performance cost of deadline misses 89
A survey of schedulability analysis techniques for rate-dependent tasks 88
A Holistic Memory Contention Analysis for Parallel Real-Time Tasks under Partitioned Scheduling 88
SPHERE: A Multi-SoC Architecture for Next-Generation Cyber-Physical Systems Based on Heterogeneous Platforms 87
Flora: Floorplan optimizer for reconfigurable areas in FPGAs 83
Bounding Memory Access Times in Multi-Accelerator Architectures on FPGA SoCs 83
Partitioning and interface synthesis in hierarchical multiprocessor real-time systems 82
A bandwidth reservation mechanism for axi-based hardware accelerators on FPGAs 82
Replication-Based Scheduling of Parallel Real-Time Tasks 81
Supporting AI-powered real-time cyber-physical systems on heterogeneous platforms via hypervisor technology 81
A Multi-Domain Software Architecture for Safe and Secure Autonomous Driving 80
AXI HyperConnect: A predictable, hypervisor-level interconnect for hardware accelerators in FPGA SoC 78
Scheduling Replica Voting in Fixed-Priority Real-Time Systems 77
Task Splitting and Load Balancing of Dynamic Real-Time Workloads for Semi-Partitioned EDF 76
Detecting Adversarial Examples by Input Transformations, Defense Perturbations, and Voting 76
A Linux-based support for developing real-time applications on heterogeneous platforms with dynamic FPGA reconfiguration 75
Analyzing Arm's MPAM From the Perspective of Time Predictability 74
Latency Analysis of I/O Virtualization Techniques in Hypervisor-Based Real-Time Systems 69
The ampere project: A model-driven development framework for highly parallel and energy-efficient computation supporting multi-criteria optimization 68
ARTe: Providing real-time multitasking to Arduino 68
Optimizing the Functional Deployment on Multicore Platforms with Logical Execution Time 67
Time-Predictable Acceleration of Deep Neural Networks on FPGA SoC Platforms 65
On the Minimal Adversarial Perturbation for Deep Neural Networks With Provable Estimation Error 65
Event-driven delay-induced tasks: Model, analysis, and applications 64
Modeling and analysis of bus contention for hardware accelerators in FPGA SoCs 62
PAC-PL: Enabling Control-Flow Integrity with Pointer Authentication in FPGA SoC Platforms 60
Optimal Memory Allocation and Scheduling for DMA Data Transfers under the LET Paradigm 55
Optimizing Inter-Core Communications under the LET Paradigm using DMA Engines 54
On the Real-World Adversarial Robustness of Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Models for Autonomous Driving 54
Defending from Physically-Realizable Adversarial Attacks through Internal Over-Activation Analysis 51
Robust-by-Design Classification via Unitary-Gradient Neural Networks 51
Partitioning real-time workloads on multi-core virtual machines 50
Response-Time Analysis for Self-Suspending Tasks Under EDF Scheduling 47
Virtualized DDS Communication for Multi-Domain Systems: Architecture and Performance Evaluation of Design Alternatives 47
X-BaD: A flexible tool for explanation-based bias detection 47
Bounding the Data-Delivery Latency of DDS Messages in Real-Time Applications 39
Integrating Online Safety-related Memory Tests in Multicore Real-Time Systems 37
Attention-Based Real-Time Defenses for Physical Adversarial Attacks in Vision Applications 36
Response-Time Analysis of Bundled Gang Tasks Under Partitioned FP Scheduling 32
CARLA-GeAR: A Dataset Generator for a Systematic Evaluation of Adversarial Robustness of Deep Learning Vision Models 29
Optimizing Per-Core Priorities to Minimize End-To-End Latencies 28
RT-Mimalloc: A New Look at Dynamic Memory Allocation for Real-Time Systems 28
End-to-End Latency Optimization of Thread Chains Under the DDS Publish/Subscribe Middleware 19
Real-Time Packet-Based Intrusion Detection on Edge Devices 18
AXI-REALM: A Lightweight and Modular Interconnect Extension for Traffic Regulation and Monitoring of Heterogeneous Real-Time SoCs 14
Supporting logical execution time in multi-core POSIX systems 12
Hardware Acceleration of Deep Neural Networks for Autonomous Driving on FPGA-based SoC 6
Placement of Chains of Real-Time Tasks on Heterogeneous Platforms under EDF Scheduling 5
Totale 9.510
Categoria #
all - tutte 61.568
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 61.568

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020557 0 0 0 0 0 130 122 49 89 34 20 113
2020/20211.688 49 152 62 130 156 268 127 91 121 127 180 225
2021/20221.261 49 214 60 58 26 60 132 221 59 140 107 135
2022/20231.508 99 116 119 281 159 183 36 98 209 60 79 69
2023/20241.647 94 24 240 110 80 243 106 327 57 120 73 173
2024/20251.435 295 108 284 172 358 218 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.510