Istituto di Diritto, Politica e Sviluppo
"Exploring the Platonic Heaven of Law: General Principles of EU Law From a Comparative Perspective
2020-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
"Saga dei biocidi”: la Corte conferma quanto deciso dal Tribunale di I grado nei confronti di Bactria
2005-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
"Scelte sovrane”. Alcune riflessioni problematiche sulla sentenza Wightman
2019-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
A Knot Not to Be Cut? The Legacy of Brexit over the CJEU
2021-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe; Simoncini, Marta
A Legal Analysis of the Belt and Road Initiative Towards a New Silk Road?
2020-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe; Wu, Xueyan
A mo’ di spiegazione e di conclusione
2023-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe; Pierdominici, Leonardo
A Multi-Speed EU? An Institutional and Legal Assessment
2017-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
A. Baraggia, G. Martinico, “Who is the Master of the Treaties? The Compact Theory in Karlsruhe”, Ordines, 2020, 20-29.
2020-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
2024-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe; Ruotolo, G. M.
Algunas consideraciones críticas sobre la obligación de interpretación conforme al Derecho de la UE
2024-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
Alla ricerca della coerenza: le tecniche del “dialogo nascosto” fra i giudici nell’ordinamento costituzionale multilivello
2008-01-01 Fontanelli, Filippo; Martinico, Giuseppe
An Italian Perspective on the Principle of Proportionality
2017-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
An Italian tale of two Courts. Judgment nº 49/2015 of the Italian Constitutional Court and its relationship with Strasbourg
2016-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe; Mancano, Leandro
Apertura ed olismo nel diritto costituzionale postnazionale. Appunti per una critica al pluralismo di Nico Krisch
2014-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
Are You Ready for That? The Next European Elections as a Crucial Moment in the History of the EU
2019-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
Articolo 19. Diritti del bambino
2017-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
Asymmetry and Complex Adaptive (Legal) Systems: The Case of the European Union
2014-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
Asymmetry as an Instrument of Differentiated Integration. The Case of the European Union
2016-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe
Asymmetry or Dis-integration? A few considerations on the new ‘Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union’
2013-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe; C. M., Cantore
Barking dogs sometimes bite! Un ensayo sobre la incidencia de la UE en el marco constitucional de los Estados miembros del Este
2013-01-01 Martinico, Giuseppe