A Global Study of the Link between Board Policies and Greenwashing
2019-01-01 Miroshnychenko, Ivan; Testa, Francesco; Barontini, Roberto
Blockholders and the ESG performance of M&A targets
2024-01-01 Taglialatela, J.; Barontini, R.; Testa, F.; Iraldo, F.
Board characteristics and the alignment between environmental communication and practices
2023-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Miroshnychenko, Ivan; Taglialatela, Jonahan; Testa, Francesco
Board compensation and ownership structure: Empirical evidence for Italian listed companies
2009-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Bozzi, S.
Board of Directors Characteristics and Environmental SDGs adoption: A global perspective.
2022-01-01 Taglialatela, Jonathan; PIRAZZI MAFFIOLA, Kevin; Barontini, Roberto; Testa, Francesco
Board of Directors' characteristics and environmental SDGs adoption: an international study
2023-01-01 Taglialatela, J.; Pirazzi Maffiola, K.; Barontini, R.; Testa, F.
CEO compensation and performance in family firms
2010-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Stefano, Bozzi
CEO Stock Options and Risk Taking in the US Banking Sector
2009-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Stefano, Bozzi; Giovanni, Madaro
Come valorizzare le opportunità di crescita delle start-up italiane?
2016-01-01 Barontini, Roberto
Corporate Governance and Environmental Performance: A Systematic Overview
2019-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Miroshnychenko, Ivan; Testa, Francesco
Costi del fallimento e gestione della crisi nelle procedure concorsuali
1997-01-01 Barontini, Roberto
Dalla valutazione delle singole decisioni di investimento a quella del capitale di impresa
1999-01-01 Barontini, Roberto
Directors’ remuneration before and after the crisis: measuring the impact of reforms in Europe
2013-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; S., Bozzi; G., Ferrarini; C., Ungureanu
Disentangling the effects of board policies on greenwashing practices
2019-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Miroshnychenko, Ivan; Testa, Francesco
Do board policies matter for the (mis)alignment between green operational and communication practices?
2023-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Miroshnychenko, Ivan; Taglialatela, Jonathan; Testa, Francesco
Do effective corporate boards prevent greenwashing?
2023-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Miroshnychenko, Ivan; Taglialatela, Jonahan; Testa, Francesco
Do Patents Affect SMEs’ Performance? A Counterfactual Analysis
2016-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Taglialatela, Jonathan
Does it pay to be a greenwasher or a brownwasher?
2018-01-01 Testa, Francesco; Miroshnychenko, Ivan; Barontini, Roberto; Frey, Marco
Does it pay to be a greenwasher or a brownwasher?
2017-01-01 Barontini, Roberto; Frey, Marco; Testa, Francesco; Miroshnychenko, Ivan
Efficienza del mercato azionario, stagionalità dei rendimenti e relazione rischio-rendimento: l'effetto gennaio in Italia
1996-01-01 Barontini, Roberto